Cham Bank Support Children with Special Needs


Cham Bank the first Islamic bank in Syria supported the activity “Small Difference” which is held by an art studio in collaboration with the ARAJAA Association for people with special needs.


The activity which lasted for five days wish to integrate healthy children from some schools in Damascus with children with special needs through different arty and educational activities, such as drawing, art works and sculpture.


This activity plays a positive role in providing them with skills  Such as communicating with others, improving their self-confidence, enhancing their sense of the values of their life, early recognition of their abilities and potentials, and giving them the sense of belonging to the community in which they live.


About that Mr. Ahmad Al Laham CEO of Cham Bank said: “This step contribute in providing a better environment to children, and we in Cham Bank are always committed to supporting initiatives and community teams licensed by the Ministry of Social Affairs, which play an active role in the development and improvement of members of community.”


For his part, Mr. Majed Al Azmeh Deputy CEO for Banking Services in Cham Bank, who attended the opening of the activity stressed Cham Bank's firm belief of the rights of people with special needs, and their right to feel their humanity, and that they're part of the fabric of society, and the need to reduce the perception of them as if they were a burden on society.



Cham Bank is keen to study the initiatives of social responsibility very carefully to ensure diversity and access to the largest number of beneficiaries, especially the most needy groups to contribute to a positive development in communities.








Contact us

Main Branch - Al Najmeh Square

Tel. : 00963-11-33919

Call center :00963-11-9398

Fax : 00963-11-3348731

P.O. Box: 33979 D


About us

The capital of Cham Bank  has been increased 40,000,000,000 Syrian Pounds and registered at the Commercial Register under No.14809 dated January the 24th 2007(the 5th of Muharram 1428), and registered at the Syrian Central Bank under No. 15.

Cham Bank is the first Islamic bank in Syria to take the Islamic Sharia approach. The Bank s operations and activities (With Keeping customer’s names anonymous) are subject to the Central bank of Syria and the Islamic committee monitoring.